Humanitarian Spotlight: Queen Afi Gaston

Take a moment and get to know DVWMT & QueenAfi, we want to share our educational strategies and let you know we are in the community doing great work. We are finding new innovative ways to help break the cycle for men, women, teens, victim and or abuser. We will never END domestic violence until we start setting the dinner table and addressing the family; domestic violence affects the family unit. We want the community to know domestic violence weather family or intimate partner is more then physical abuse, it's just as we state "domestic violence wear many tags". Take a look inside and get educated on the many tags of domestic violence, this is the best way to start breaking the cycle for victims & abusers.
"The only way to END Domestic Violence for Men, Women and Teens, Victims or Abusers is Education, Prevention Strategies, and our Brokenness to Boldness Stories"~QueenAfi