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EDITORIAL INTERVIEW: Meet Supremacy Presents

TMP: What is Supremacy Presents?

SP: Supremacy Presents is an exciting networking company that creates unique events to mix and mingle artistic entrepreneurs and business professionals. We have 3 signature events; Beauty Brunch, Cars and Cigars and our newest addition The Black Tie Event. Supremacy also works with other brands to execute their events with the Supremacy touch.

TMP: Take us back before Supremacy Presents began, how did you two ladies meet?

SP: We’ve known each other for at least two decades now. We met doing fashion shows for R&J productions back in 2000, shortly after went to the same middle school and have been together ever since.

TMP: How was SP formed?

SP: SP came from a conversation of wanting to do something different and meaningful in the city. With both of us using networking as our key to growing our personal beauty brands we knew the power of connecting with like minded professionals and we wanted to use and share that power.

TMP: You ladies have created quite a mark in the city, what struggles did you have to go through to get to this amazing new space you two are in?

SP: The hardest struggle was creating the perfect team. A team that supported the vision and was willing and ready to grow with Supremacy. Once we got that our brand grew stronger.

TMP: When we see you, your fashion is undeniably genius, did you ladies know you look was going to become such a factor of the brand?

SP: Well, we are our brand and our brand is Beauty & Fashion. Before Supremacy, we were both known in the beauty & Fashion industry for our look and always showing up and with Supremacy we keep that same energy. Thats what makes us Supremacy.

TMP: In three words, what message do you want the people to have after experiencing Supremacy Presents?

SP: Motivated, confident, excited

TMP: You ladies have conquered so much together, how important was it to show that when woman stick together you can tackle anything and takeover everything?

SP: It’s so important for people to see us coming together and sticking together because we really are stronger together and our brand showcases that. We are letting people see its ok to share your knowledge and not do everything alone. PARTNERSHIP as its best. We say “thats why there’s 2” all the time. There is power in numbers. With that being said we are doubling up all 2020!

TMP: A vast amount of people now look to you ladies for not only your brand, but inspiration, does it ever become overwhelming?

SP: Yes it gets overwhelming but the key is balance. Me time is so important and we too have to remember step back and give ourselves that break.

TMP: Individually what are you three keys to success and for SP what are those three keys?


Lacy - Consistency, Organization, & Self Care



Fearlessness, &

Hard Work

TMP: Now you ladies are nationally taking this thing everywhere, tell us what you have coming up later this month and the rest of 2020.

SP: Later this month January 24th- 27th we are taking our talents to Los Angeles, California, City of Angles! For our Annual Black Tie event, that we extended into a full weekend. Which is Black Supremacy Weekend LA! This year, you can see us taking DC on the road! Come with us!

TMP: Now you ladies are multi faceted in many areas, can you let TMP world know what other arenas you ladies shine in?

SP: We love our community and being able to give back, support and encourage. As entrepreneurs and philanthropist, we see and experience different levels of trauma. Mental Illness is a real thing and that’s our major focus to share information and be that influence that our community needs.

TMP: How do you think your experiences have help mold this dynamic brand?

SP: With the both of us growing up together we pretty much experience life in this industry together. We knew how hard is was to get to where we wanted and needed to be. So using both of our power in knowledge, it was only right to double up.

TMP: Where can people follow you ladies and check out your brands?

SP: You can follow us on all social platforms. Together we are @supremacypresents Lanea @theglowdoctor , @laneacierra Lacy @mshealthyhair , @lacedwlacy

TMP: Before we go, what is one motto you ladies live by?

SP: Our motto is simple! “Your network is your net worth”! You can’t get where you want to be by yourself. We understand the importance of relationships in our industry to grow our industry. That’s how we all add value to each other.

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